Saturday, November 8, 2014

Do People Rely On Technology and Internet Too Much?

Today I can actually say that people do rely to much  on technology and internet. We don't write to people anymore because all this technology made it more easier to make letters and send them. We use the internet to keep in contact with people close to us in different parts of the world. Some people even use the internet to find love. Everyone knows that we rely on the internet and technology and its because it makes everything more easy to find, to talk to people mostly if your phone wont allow you to call to far places, it corrects our writing mistakes that we usually make most the time, it helps us order stuff faster and easier, it helps us find jobs and also homes, also it helps us sell stuff, give away stuff, help people, etc. There are a lot of reasons why we use technology and the internet,  its only because it makes everything more easier.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Internet is not safe for teens

I just can't believe how some men and boys are in this world. I can totally understand everything from what i just read from this article us girls and teens are just never safe on the internet. I know one thing,  guys don't need to have to lie about there age. if they are to old to date us and stuff then there to old.  They don't need to act all desperate just to get a girl or do stuff to her, like, there are actual girl s that are there age they can talk to not us teens who don't need to have stuff like that said to us. I do feel sad for the girl who believed this guy was 18 when he was only 37,who also after the girl told him where she lived, he carelessly decided to go her house, grab her up and take her to an abandoned place just to sexually harass her and shoot her in the head. The girl was only 13, how was she suppose to know if she was suppose to believe  him or even trust him or not!. Something is really wrong with men now, they just feel the need to go and do horrible and bad stuff to kids and teens, when there are plenty of women there age that they can hang out with and stuff. Its like now the internet is no longer safe for us teens anymore,like, it seems the internet is only for adults and that's it. All because of some careless and such selfish people in this world. Guys have really ruined the internet for us. So to all teens do and always keep your passwordds safe, don't give out personal infomation to anyone you haven't seen in person,and if the guy said bad stuff to you just end the conversation right there don't keep it going or there will be more bad stuff said.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Should the Internet have Rules?

I think there shouldn't be any rules to the internet. If there was rules then I don't really think it would be as popular as it is today. The internet is used for so many different things like, the shows kids and teens watch, and our awesome music we listen to. I think that if there was rules, we wouldn't be able to listen to the music we love  because either the parent doesn't like it or because they think its messing up our minds making us think different stuff, and because of this they would make some type of rule that would band our  music. To me and probably lots of kids and teens around the world, would not be very happy with that and would probably not survive without music. To us music is everything, and I don't want it to be taken away because of some internet rules.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hello, my name is Shaikeira and I love to draw I am 16 years old and I love music and cute things. The things I know about Computer literacy is nothing  to be honest with everyone. :)